Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swimming Lessons

We have been taking swimming lessons for the last two weeks with some of our cousins. Ethan, Cole and Chase were in level 3 together. Sadi, Madi, and Dax were in level 1. I was amazed at how much my kids learned in such a short time. In a "Little Bill" cartoon, the character Little Bill takes swim lessons. He learns to swim like a guppy. Madi often referred to her advancing abilities as learning to swim like a guppy. She floats on her back without any help, bob's very well, and swims under water ice cream scoops like a pro. I am so pleased with her. Chase had great dives off the starting block, and beat all the kids in almost every race, in every stroke. He is such a graceful swimmer, it is fun to watch. The pool asked him to be a part of their swim team. I think he would be a great addition, but I am not sure how he can do baseball, swimming, scouts, school, tumbling, and guitar. Hmmm. We'lll have to think about that one. (I am secretely grateful that that is what I get to worry about. Kids with so many abilities, it's hard to find time to develop them. Thanks to their fathers genes...and our Heavenly Father's blessings).

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture with Sadi, Madi and Dax, so cute!
    That's awesome they asked Chase to be on their swim team, way to go Chase!
    I'm surprised that Madi can float with no body fat. :) I am a great floater.
