Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Scout Camp

I remember thinking when Chase was a baby (and we only had one baby) that wow what a great year...full of "firsts". But every year it seems like I am thinking that. Chase's first bike ride, Chase's first trip. Well this year Chase got to go to Scout camp for the first time. I was lucky and became the assistant to the scout master just before camp, so I got to go. Gracie got to go too, but I am not so sure she would say she was lucky. The first day was Super Hero Camp, and the second day was Jurassic Journey. Chase liked the second day better because it involved lots of rocks. Sling shot a rock, find a crystal rock, dig in the dirt for rocks. He loved rocks when he was 2 and still does now that he is 8. I was surprised how much stuff they actually did. They also did some fun things without rocks. One of my favorites was a race where they put together sprinkler pipes and joints. They raced in teams to connect the pipes from point A to point B. The team who could run water down the pipe without leaks, was the winner. They also did obstacle courses, skits, shot bb guns (Gracie and I stayed FAR AWAY), bow and arrow, sling shots and one of Chase's favorites...the stores. I had to remind myself I was there as a scouting assistant not a Mom. Many times I wanted to say...let's not do that, or you are getting your outfit dirty, or don't buy that it's just JUNK. But I refrained... Chase cannot wait until next year. He thinks we should have Scout camp more than just once a year.

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